Sunday, March 18, 2007

One of those moments..

Have you ever had one of those moments where you just sit and reflect on all the choices you made in your life? Well, i'm in that state of mind right now. Thinking of all the choices that i've made and wonder if those are the things i really wanted to do or just a mere impulsive decision. As graduation is around the bend... i come to think... is this what i REALLY want to do? This is surely just one of the reflective decisions i've been thinking about.

As i read my horroscope, it said that Leos love attention and they always want to make others happy (well except for the one from Commerce which clearly indicates that Leos are pornstars.. i can assure you that i am NOT). But come to think of it.. i think sometimes i do things just to make things easier/happier for others (not ALL the time though). I've come to realize that i have to stop.. and just do what i want to do.. stop explain to others.. b/c the only one that lives w/ it is myself. One of the mottos i've lived by is.. "Life's tough.. suck it up". Why make life tougher than it already is by living a life that doesn't truely reflect your true self. I know it was a "teen" thing to discover who you are and what you want.. but in my "tweenties" i'm still discovering it everyday. Better to have ppl hate/love the true you than a superficial clone.
With that being said, I apologize in advance if i seem distant these next couple of months.

p.s. yes.. i'm procrastinating.. ehhe.. now back to getting buried under my pile of assignments :(