Thursday, November 09, 2006

Spending Diaries

Well here's the dish. My friend sent me this article and it was about how six people documented their spending habits for a span of a week. My friend advised i do the same.. not because i spend alot (as many of you feel that I am the shopaholic.. which in fact i really am NOT), but just to see how much i do indeed spend. I was appalled when i saw that a subsidized grad student spent $452.67 in a week! That's like $1,810 in a month$21,728 in a YEAR! woooowww. That's like 2 years of my tuition at U of T! Newho.. i think you should do the same.. to see where u can save and where you can AFFORD to splurge :)

hmm.. let's see what i spent yesterday...

Wednesday November 8, 2006.
Lunch : Tim Horton's Chicken toasted sandwich combo (donut and peach juice) - $6.88
During class snack : Potato skin chips (sooo yummy) - $1.25
Dinner: Sweet and sour pad tai - $10
Coffee: $2
Grand total for Day 1: $20.13

After thought - not THAT bad.. i think.. it's about 45mins of work on saturday.. but i'll be bringin my lunch to school today.. so maybe i'll be better :)


Blogger Sam Hsieh said...

wow dang...that's A LOT of money to spend in a week. haha. that's month's rent down the drain...heh

but yeah, food is something i always splurge on...only the best for my tummy =)

you make over 20 bux an hour? man alive, that's super! =D
no wonder you're a shopaholic, haha

study hard....we'll Baton Rouge and Pho it up to celebrate once we're both done =D =D =D

9:50 PM  

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