Friday, July 28, 2006

Feeling loved...
Somedays you just can't help feeling loved by the people you care for. Especially when it comes to the little things and they make such a big deal of it. I'm really happy and glad that God has blessed me with so many of these people in which i call Friends! My heart is so overwhelmed that it just might burst. I just want to shout out to EVERY SINGLE SOUL that i LOVE them. For the things they do, the things they don't do, for being there, for wishing to be there, for thinking of me, and most of all.. just being the special people they are. I'm sure you all know who u are!
B-days are just not worth celerbrating unless they are with the people that make you feel most loved, inspired, full of laughter, joy of life, and especially provide you with spritual growth. I really got what i wished for and no candle blowing (or sparkles in this case) can say any different.
Thanks again for such surprises!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Summer loving...

It's been a while since i have blogged.. mainly because i have been attempting to studying.. but mostly enjoying my loving summer hot days with a cup of something something from STARBUCKS!!! i seriously think i'm addicted! Current fav are the fruit blend fraps!!! You should really try it.. (there's tangerine or pomagrate..) I use to feel weird going into Starbucks and ordering "a tall mild coffee please" while others had Looooonnnng orders, like a "tall, non-fat, soy-milk, no foam, extra shot of vanilla, caramel macchiato". But i guess you learn :) (actually as you read this.. i'm enjoying a tall mild coffee.. hehe).

There was a couple days before when it was scorching hot.. and with a broken AC, i was practically melting away.. but i just got something like a 'magic bullet' so i can make my own smoothies! When i first got it.. i made one everyday.. but then i started getting stomach aches.. and figured my boday couldn't handle the large quantities of fruits at once.. hehe

Besides school studies.. there seems to be sooo much on my mind. I feel like i've promised/accepted many projects and my plate is about to topple over. I actually like the feeling of having a heavy schedule (because then i wont' be lying around on my tooshie watching the tele) and i feel sooo good after i have accomplished them. But when i come to realize that i can't perform well on the task.. i feel really bummed.. For example, i'm the leader of the drama team for my church's children's summer camp and i wasn't able to find people to do the skits. I felt like i totally failed the lil kiddies. And with the oodles of studing, i find it hard to give it my all! But thank the Lord that i found some exceptional volunteers to help me so we can at least have a performance at the end of the week. I just can't wait until i'm done my exams.. the camp.. then its....... VEGAS!
My major dates.: August 2 - My lovely eco history exam :(
.: Augest 14 - my freaky finance final :( :(
.: August 15-18 - very cheery church camp :):)
.: August 30th - leaving on a jet plane to.... L.V. (not Louis Vuitton.. but
LAS VEGAS) :):):):):):):):)

o.. and when i'm on the subway.. i sneak in a novel now and then.. which right now is "The devil wears prada" by Lauren Weisberger. Almost half done and it's getting eventful. Got to finish it so i can watch the movie!

It seems like everytime i blog.. i got to study.. but i really have to.. hehe.. so toodles all.. and enjoy the lovely sun.. really get to a beach fast!

luv muchies,

p.s. i think i'm goin to start food/novel bloggin.. seeing how i love to eat.. and read.. and love to share.. so keep checking :)